What We Do

Our programs, projects, and progress

OUR MISSION: United Women of Color is a 501(c) 3 organization that empowers girls, women, and their communities by uniting people across ethnicities to address civic and educational gaps for advancement.

Community Outreach

We build relationships by tabling at - and hosting - community events. Our weekly Take Action Tuesday newsletter keeps us connected to achieve these THREE goals.

Voter Education

  • Provide education about how to vote, who can vote, why we should vote, and how policies affect our day-to-day lives

  • Host candidate forums for municipal elections and community townhalls

  • Conduct participatory research to collect data from residents about their needs and priorities to identify gaps and issues for advocacy

Civic Engagement

  • Participate in and promote issue-based advocacy for policing, poverty, hunger, voting rights, LGBTQIA, gun control, and healthcare (including body autonomy, mental health, and reproductive rights)

  • Teach how to advocate and offer direct-action opportunities, such as letter-writing campaigns

  • Host a regular, virtual Civic Engagement Book Club

Leadership Development

  • Mentor with Troop 400 to build confidence, character, and future leaders.

  • Provide Grow with Google scholarships - Apply Here.

  • Provide Career Resource Workshops.

We Work with Like-Minded Organizations

*UWOC is the fiscal sponsor of Madison County Remembrance Project.

United Women of Color partners and collaborates with likeminded organizations who advocate, educate, and empower people in marginalized populations.