What We Do
Our programs, projects, and progress
OUR MISSION: United Women of Color is a 501(c) 3 organization that empowers girls, women, and their communities by uniting people across ethnicities to address civic and educational gaps for advancement.
Community Outreach
We build relationships by tabling at - and hosting - community events. Our weekly Take Action Tuesday newsletter keeps us connected to achieve these THREE goals.
Voter Education
Provide education about how to vote, who can vote, why we should vote, and how policies affect our day-to-day lives
Host candidate forums for municipal elections and community townhalls
Conduct participatory research to collect data from residents about their needs and priorities to identify gaps and issues for advocacy
Civic Engagement
Participate in and promote issue-based advocacy for policing, poverty, hunger, voting rights, LGBTQIA, gun control, and healthcare (including body autonomy, mental health, and reproductive rights)
Teach how to advocate and offer direct-action opportunities, such as letter-writing campaigns
Host a regular, virtual Civic Engagement Book Club
Leadership Development
Mentor with Troop 400 to build confidence, character, and future leaders.
Provide Grow with Google scholarships - Apply Here.
Provide Career Resource Workshops.

We Work with Like-Minded Organizations
*UWOC is the fiscal sponsor of Madison County Remembrance Project.
United Women of Color partners and collaborates with likeminded organizations who advocate, educate, and empower people in marginalized populations.